Grindr to Change Name to Pokeaman Go
Nearby Buddy Finder, LLC (NBF) has announced plans to rename its popular Gay and Bisexual matching app Grindr to Pokeaman Go, a tongue and cheek play on the hugely popular Nintendo Pokemon Go app, which has skyrocketed to the Top Free app in both Apple and Google Play Stores. The overwhelming popularity of the app has led to a 25% gain in Nintendo stock this week, poising the company to finally make a significant push within the mobile gaming industry. While Grindr is no slouch itself with over 10 million users worldwide, “it was time for a change” according to NBF spokesman Gerardo Velasco. He quips “In many ways the apps are remarkably similar. They both use geo-location to allow users to find pocket sized monsters to play with, but more importantly they both take you places to explore and have fun.”
At this time there is no planned functionality changes within the Grindr app, though Velasco admits that the idea of capturing dates may appeal to some within the Gay/Bisexual BDSM community.
Alex Chen, a disillusioned Asian Grindr user is thrilled with the proposed change. “This may be the only opportunity for me as a heavyset, effeminate gay Asian male to be popular on the app.” I think a new group of geeky gay Pokemon players will be thrilled to find a character like me to play with. I’m sort of a cross between Jigglypuff and a Snorlax but breedable.”
Jason Carpenter a 29yo white, masculine top is also pleased with the impending name change. “I think it’s really cool. I grew up watching the cartoon and always dreamed of training my own pokemon. I’m equally thrilled to be poking a lot of men.” Not everyone, however, is thrilled with the proposed change, Alan Hemmings, Director of the Gay and Lesbian Center New York, warns that, “mixing a game with a tag line of ‘got catch em all,’ with a community that has already dealt with the devastation of HIV and the harsh stereotype of being promiscuous is just plain wreckless. As a community we deserve better than be relegated to a disgusting treasure hunt for treasure trails.”
Current Grindr users should expect an update by August 31st.

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